Business Development

Airports_01AElements of Louisiana’s business incentive package and local inducements combined with the Port’s strategic location, affordable energy pricing, an abundance of raw materials and feedstocks, and Louisiana’s ready workforce, provide a powerful competitive advantage for companies…

The River Region, comprised of St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, and St. James Parishes, is located along Interstate 10 on the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Baton Rouge with one of North America’s largest concentrations of heavy manufacturers, a reflection of the strategic location, competitive market access, and highly skilled labor pool that it enjoys. Industry leaders in the energy and chemical sectors continue to invest billions of dollars as they expand operations to capture market opportunities. These comparative advantages have also attracted significant investment by companies in support industries including logistics, business services, metals and others. The growth of the River Region is a result of sound planning and patronage from a diversified cross-section of public and private stakeholders. The region’s overall strategy is to focus on diversifying its economic base by targeting industries that are conducive to its growth.

The governing bodies of the River Region and the Port of South Louisiana have an established plan for economic growth that focuses on diversification and increased employment. The four entities (i.e., parishes) are committed to working in tandem under the RIVER REGION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (RREDI) for the economic benefit of the region.

We are proud to announce that RREDI is the recipient of “Top Five” Award of Excellence in Warehousing/Distribution from Expansion Solutions Magazine!

Key advantages of operating a business in the River Region include:

River Region Transportation Network• Logistical opportunities offered by an intermodal transportation network and facilities featuring access to four (4) interstate highways, four (4) Class I railroads, and deepwater via the Mississippi River
• A skilled and productive workforce in a right-to-work state
• Competitive business costs
• Low cost of natural gas
• Quality and abundant educational institutions at all levels
• Over 20,000 acres of prime land for future development

Our goal is to be the web portal providing the most current information and resources on this growing region, so check back often for the most up-to-date news and information.